Module Mounting
To capture the maximum amount of solar radiation over a year, the solar array should be tilted at an angle approximately equal to a site's latitude, and facing within 15° of due south. To optimize winter performance, the solar array can be tilted 15° more than the latitude angle, and to optimize summer performance, 15° less than the latitude angle. At any given instant, the array will output maximum available power when pointed directly at the sun.
To compare the energy output of your array to the optimum value, you will need to know the site's latitude, and the actual tilt angle of your array-which may be the slope of your roof if your array is flush-mounted. If your solar array tilt is within 15° of the latitude angle, you can expect a reduction of 5% or less in your system's annual energy production. If your solar array tilt is greater than 15° off the latitude angle, the reduction in your system's annual energy production may fall by as much as 15% from its peak available value. During winter months at higher latitudes, the reduction will be greater.
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To compare the energy output of your array to the optimum value, you will need to know the site's latitude, and the actual tilt angle of your array-which may be the slope of your roof if your array is flush-mounted. If your solar array tilt is within 15° of the latitude angle, you can expect a reduction of 5% or less in your system's annual energy production. If your solar array tilt is greater than 15° off the latitude angle, the reduction in your system's annual energy production may fall by as much as 15% from its peak available value. During winter months at higher latitudes, the reduction will be greater.
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